Digitale Technologien in der Gesellschaft

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In diesem Forschungsschwerpunkt sollen der Zusammenhang zwischen Digitalisierung, Teilhabe und Ungleichheit erforscht, die Nutzung digitaler Technologien für Teilhabechancen gestaltend erprobt und gegen neue Ungleichheiten interveniert werden. Dafür werden Perspektiven der Wirtschaftsinformatik, der Designforschung und der Informatik zusammengeführt.


Neueste Veröffentlichungen

Gerade angezeigt 1 - 5 von 26
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    Investigating Innovation Diffusion in Gender-Specific Medicine: Insights from Social Network Analysis
    (2024) Baum, Katharina; Baumann, Annika; Batzel, Katharina
    The field of healthcare is characterized by constant innovation, with gender-specific medicine emerging as a new subfield that addresses sex and gender disparities in clinical manifestations, outcomes, treatment, and prevention of disease. Despite its importance, the adoption of gender-specific medicine remains understudied, posing potential risks to patient outcomes due to a lack of awareness of the topic. Building on the Innovation Decision Process Theory, this study examines the spread of information about gender-specific medicine in online networks. The study applies social network analysis to a Twitter dataset reflecting online discussions about the topic to gain insights into its adoption by health professionals and patients online. Results show that the network has a community structure with limited information exchange between sub-communities and that mainly medical experts dominate the discussion. The findings suggest that the adoption of gender-specific medicine might be in its early stages, focused on knowledge exchange. Understanding the diffusion of gender-specific medicine among medical professionals and patients may facilitate its adoption and ultimately improve health outcomes.
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    Dreaming of AI: environmental sustainability and the promise of participation
    (2024) Zehner, Nicolas; Ullrich, André
    There is widespread consensus among policymakers that climate change and digitalisation constitute the most pressing global transformations shaping human life in the 21st century. Seeking to address the challenges arising at this juncture, governments, technologists and scientists alike increasingly herald artificial intelligence (AI) as a vehicle to propel climate change mitigation and adaptation. In this paper, we explore the intersection of digitalisation and climate change by examining the deployment of AI in government-led climate action. Building on participant observations conducted in the context of the “Civic Tech Lab for Green”—a government-funded public interest AI initiative—and eight expert interviews, we investigate how AI shapes the negotiation of environmental sustainability as an issue of public interest. Challenging the prescribed means–end relationship between AI and environmental protection, we argue that the unquestioned investment in AI curtails political imagination and displaces discussion of climate “problems” and possible “solutions” with “technology education”. This line of argumentation is rooted in empirical findings that illuminate three key tensions in current coproduction efforts: “AI talk vs. AI walk”, “civics washing vs. civics involvement” and “public invitation vs. public participation”. Emphasising the importance of re-exploring the innovative state in climate governance, this paper extends academic literature in science and technology studies that examines
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    Gestaltungspraktiken in transdisziplinärer Forschung
    (transcript, 2024) Herlo, Bianca; Ebert, Iris; Rahn, Sebastian; Rodatz, Christoph
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    Designforschung im Kontext sozialer und politischer Partizipation
    (transcript Verlag, 2022) Herlo, Bianca; Hofhues, Sandra; Schütze, Konstanze
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    ResumeTailor: Improving Resume Quality Through Co-Creative Tools
    (IOS Press, 2023) Delobelle, Pieter; Wang, Sonja Mei; Berendt, Bettina; Lukowicz, Paul; Mayer, Sven; Koch, Janin; Shawe-Taylor, John; Tiddi, Ilaria
    Clear and well-written resumes can help jobseekers find better and better-suited jobs. However, many people struggle with writing their resumes, especially if they just entered the job market. Although many tools have been created to help write resumes, an analysis we conducted showed us that these tools focus mainly on layout and only give very limited content-related support. This paper presents a co-creative resume building tool that provides tailored advice to jobseekers. It is based on a comprehensive computational analysis of 444k resumes and the development of a Dutch language model, ResumeRobBERT, to provide contextual suggestions. Through the analysis of the resumes, we found that some expected sections, such as language proficiency, are often missing entirely, while conversely some resumes contain unexpected content, such as negative personality traits. This implies that jobseekers could benefit from more guidance when writing resumes. We aim to support them in the resume-writing process through our tool ResumeTailor, a co-creative resume building tool that gives textual suggestions and provides a template for important resume sections.