TechDo Digest

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Mit dem TechDo Digest präsentiert die Forschungsgruppe „Technik, Macht und Herrschaft“ am Weizenbaum-Institut alle zwei bis drei Monate eine kuratierte Liste spannender Neuerscheinungen, die sich eng mit den Forschungsinteressen der Gruppe auseinandersetzen. Hierzu werden ca. 70 führende Journals aktiv beobachtet. Die Artikel werden thematisch gruppiert präsentiert, in den Kategorien „Technik, Macht und Herrschaft“, „Automatisierung des Staates“, „Governance und Regulierung“, „Demokratie und Digitalisierung“, sowie „Aushandlung digitaler Technologien“. Eine Kurzbeschreibung der einzelnen Gruppen finden sie in der jeweiligen Ausgabe. Der Fokus liegt auf Arbeiten mit theoretischen und konzeptionellen Anspruch, die uns helfen, den Wandel der Machtstrukturen digitaler Gesellschaften besser zu verstehen. Der Literaturradar ist eine direkt Fortsetzung des Digidem Literaturradars aus der ehemaligen Forschungsgruppe von Prof. Dr. Thorsten Thiel, der seit 2018 erschien. In seiner jetzigen Form erscheint der TechDo Digest seit Anfang 2023.

The TechDo Digest is a curated list of literature suggestions from the research group „Technology, Power and Domination“ at the Weizenbaum Institute, which appears every two to three months. The curation is based on an active monitoring of around 70 leading journals in the field and presents articles that closely align with our research interests. The articles are grouped thematically in the categories „Technology, Power, and Domination“, „Automation of the State“, „Governance and Regulation“, „Democracy and Digitalization“, and „Contestation of Digital Technologies“. The focus is on works with a theoretical and conceptual ambition that help us better understand the changing nature of power in digitalized socieites. The TechDo Digest is a direct continuation of the Digidem Digest newsletter from Prof. Dr. Thorsten Thiel’s research group at the Weizenbaum Institute, which appeared since 2018. In its current form, the TechDo Digest appears since the beginning of 2023.


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  • Item
    TechDo Digest 2x3: October 2024
    (Weizenbaum Institute, 2024-10) Otto, Moritz; Mayer, Max; Weizenbaum Institute Research Group „Technology, Power, and Domination“
    The TechDo Digest is the literature overview of the research group "Technology, Power and Domination" at the Weizenbaum Institute. Every two to three months, the group curates a list of relevant new publications within their field, focussing on analyses of structures of power and domination in digitalized societies, changes to democratic processes, regulation of and through technology, and the contestation of digital technologies. This edition features articles that appeared between June and September 2024.
  • Item
    TechDo Digest 2x2: June 2024
    (Weizenbaum Institute, 2024-06) Burmeister, Ben; Mayer, Max; Otto, Moritz; Weizenbaum Institute Research Group „Technology, Power, and Domination“
    The TechDo Digest is the literature overview of the research group "Technology, Power and Domination" at the Weizenbaum Institute. Every two to three months, the group curates a list of relevant new publications within their field, focussing on analyses of structures of power and domination in digitalized societies, changes to democratic processes, regulation of and through technology, and the contestation of digital technologies. This edition features articles that appeared between March and May 2024.
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    TechDo Digest 1x1: March 2023
    (Weizenbaum Institute, 2023-03) Burmeister, Ben; Katzy-Reinshagen, Anna; Weizenbaum Institute Research Group „Technology, Power, and Domination“
    The TechDo Digest is the literature overview of the research group "Technology, Power and Domination" at the Weizenbaum Institute. Every two to three months, the group curates a list of relevant new publications within their field, focussing on analyses of structures of power and domination in digitalized societies, changes to democratic processes, regulation of and through technology, and the contestation of digital technologies. This edition features articles that appeared between January and February 2023.
  • Item
    TechDo Digest 1x5: December 2023
    (Weizenbaum Institute, 2023-12) Burmeister, Ben; Katzy-Reinshagen, Anna; Weizenbaum Institute Research Group „Technology, Power, and Domination“
    The TechDo Digest is the literature overview of the research group "Technology, Power and Domination" at the Weizenbaum Institute. Every two to three months, the group curates a list of relevant new publications within their field, focussing on analyses of structures of power and domination in digitalized societies, changes to democratic processes, regulation of and through technology, and the contestation of digital technologies. This edition features articles that appeared between September and November 2023.
  • Item
    TechDo Digest 2x1: March 2024
    (Weizenbaum Institute, 2024-03) Burmeister, Ben; Weizenbaum Institute Research Group „Technology, Power, and Domination“
    The TechDo Digest is the literature overview of the research group "Technology, Power and Domination" at the Weizenbaum Institute. Every two to three months, the group curates a list of relevant new publications within their field, focussing on analyses of structures of power and domination in digitalized societies, changes to democratic processes, regulation of and through technology, and the contestation of digital technologies. This edition features articles that appeared between December 2023 and March 2024.