Erzählen im Reallabor. Ein Beitrag zur konzeptionellen Ausgestaltung partizipativer Methoden der gemeinsamen Wissensproduktion durch Erzählräume im Reallabor
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The transdisciplinary intersection between science and society in the real-world-laboratory approach is seen as a potential for generating transformational knowledge. At the same time, there are open questions in the methodological implementation, which are addressed in this paper by insights on experimental formats of storytelling. Using the example of the research project INTERPART, this paper explores the questions how intercultural spaces of participation in urban development can be expanded and what changes in institutional processes are required to achieve this. The paper involves two academic disciplines – spatial planning and design research – and fields of practice. Central findings include how deliberately designed narrative situations promote the co-production of transformative knowledge by encouraging participation in research and engaging citizens as experts of everyday life in co-research. The paper thus contributes to the current discourse on participatory research and co-production of knowledge in the context of methodological differentiation of real-world laboratory approaches.